Thursday, June 24, 2010

Soooo Thankful!

For the first time ever, I feel like I'm on top of things...what a GREAT feeling! My invites couldn't have turned out any more PERFECT! MAJOR props to our photographer: Jessica Moen-Baker with One Swift Click. She has been AmAzInG in this WHOLE process, I can't even begin to thank her! She has made us feel so comfortable and has been so easy to talk to I feel like I've known her for years. (Well, it has been about a year and a half that we've dragged the poor thing through our many dates and destinations, what a trooper!!) I can hardly wait to send them all out to you!

On Tuesday, Brad's mom and I went to plan our "design" I think you call it (??) for our wedding cake. Jan's good friend Nikki is creating the masterpiece that will be our wedding cake. Again, another AMAZING person to get to work with and so TALENTED! (Not to mention putting up with my mind changing a million times....I'm starting to see a pattern here...) She gave such great advice and we went from a boring white cake to something that is going to be so beautiful I can HARDLY wait to see it!

Yesterday Brad and I went to the Grand Ely Lodge to do our food tasting. (Not telling the food options, you have to be a LITTLE surprised, right?!) Once again, we had the sweetest person help us through all this. Not to mention she is my co-worker. :) But seriously, Barb is so PERSONABLE and genuine and makes you feel like you are the ONLY Bride and Groom in THE WORLD.

I called David's Bridal today and my bridesmaids' dresses are in--hooray!! (Oh and I got their gifts in the mail the other day!)

And tomorrow I leave for the cities for my first Bridal Shower being put on by my mom's side of the family. We are SO THANKFUL for ALL these people and MANY more! And to ALL of YOU that have been thinking of us and helping us and encouraging us. I could just well up with tears because our friends and family have been the BEST during this whole process. We are SO EXCITED to spend this day with all of you!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Getting EXCITED!!

All of a sudden I'm really getting butterflys in my stomach at the thought of how close this thing is and the excitement can probably be seen from miles away. Things are slowly falling into place and I have a sense of relaxtion knowing that I'm probably running right on track for how these things are planned. I took the next 3 days off for a girl's weekend that I won't be able to attend for a couple of reasons. So since I can't make it I'm instead going to send Rylee to day care and get a few more little things checked off my list. Then I think I will pamper myself a little, because hey, I deserve it! :)

P.S. The tuxes have been ordered! whoo hoo! One more big thing checked off the list!!!!